UNLIMITED FITNESS project installed EPDM rubber gym tiles yellow flecks. The smooth surface made it easier to clean and yellow flecks look more attractive and brighte
UNLIMITED FITNESS project used EPDM rubber gym tiles - premium flooring prefer by professional gym projects with so many benefits:
☑️Look more attractive
☑️Smooth and Waterproof surface
☑️Non-slip surface
☑️Eco-friendly and no smell
☑️Shock absorption and Soundproof
EPDM rubber gym tiles are recycled 100% from waste truck tire granules with 2mm of EPDM on the surface, our products got international standards European EN1177 and Intertek non-oxic report.
Long Long is the rubber recycling factory and professional gym installer in Vietnam, kindly contact us now to get the latest price and free sample EPDM rubber gym tiles.
Long Long rubber recycling factory in Vinh Phuc province, Vietnam
Email: longlong@longlongchem.com
Ms Ruby:ngoc.pth@longlongchem.com
Whatsapp: +84 907811051